Ayurveda BG

About Us

About Shankar Pharmacy

Shankar pharmacy established in 1945 by Dr K.S. Gangadharan is one of the well-known company in Kerala with a rich heritage of over 70+ years with over 300 classical and patent formulations, several branches, panchakarma centres, herbal garden and its own manufacturing unit. Shankar pharmacy has established a name of its own. Years of experience and research was diverted for treating gastro intestinal tract disorders helped Dr Gangadharan to formulate the now famous medicines like ulset and Amrita Bindu. A production unit was set up to meet the increasing demand for the medicines.

A busy and successful physician by now he planned to expand his treatment and earnestly wanted to get an opportunity serve the poor also. Thus in 1945 Shankar Pharmacy was founded at Manjummal, Ernakulam District. The pharmacy is named after his father “Shankaran”.Dr Gangadharan has done extensive research in Ayurveda to enhance Ayurvedic medicines to suite the modern world. He is well known for his healing touch and made him very popular in India and abroad. His special combination for stomach disorders are very effective.

About Shankar Pharmacy

In1979 Shankar Pharmacy has started a manufacturing unit to produce Ayurvedic medicines of fine quality in bulk to serve the ever – growing demand and Smt.Ratnabhai, wife of Dr Gangadharan managed the supervision of the production Unit and later after the demise of Ratnabhai, in the year 2003 Smt. Sheela daughter of Dr Gangadharan who also got a real passion for Ayurveda that she discontinued her studies in Homeopathy and took over the charge and is still continuing it without any fail. She is the chief support now and under her guidance the production of medicines is going on rhythmically.

Shankar Pharmacy now owns patents of various Ayurvedic medicines and special preparations as a result of years of research in this field. Many Ayurvedic practitioners now prescribe Shankar pharmacy Medicines. Dr Gangadharan dedicated his life and skill for the betterment of Ayurvedic medicines. He is also well known for his charity work for the betterment of widows and poor in Kerala.



In the new millennium Shankar Pharmacy is moving forward. Dr Gangadharan now whole heartedly wish to handover the baton of the great tradition, values and divinity of Ayurveda.

His search for the felicitous person for this handover ended on nobody else but his own grandson Dr Roshith. From a very young age itself he was very much attracted by the tradition and methods of Ayurveda. He was born and brought up amidst this great knowledge of life. Like his grandfather he also wanted to go deep into the ocean of this traditional system of medicines incorporated in “Atarva Veda”. In spite of the fact that his father and brother being allopathic doctors he choose to follow the path of his grandfather. And joined S.D.M Collage of Ayurveda (Uduppi) in 1995. After the completion of his studies he joined Shankar Pharmacy.

He has undertaken the task of renovating and upgrading the facilities of the pharmacy and its factory to new standard. He was instrumental to the commissioning of a state of the art new plants, and laboratory recently at Shankar Pharmacy premises. And under his ascendancy a new block with all amenities was inaugurated in the year 2001 November 11. He also took over the charge of the clinics at Kaloor and Cherai which was managed by Dr Gangadharan. Both these clinics were started by Dr Gangadharan 40 Years back.The healing hand of Shankar Pharmacy was extended to the metropolises of India to serve and help patients. Dr Gangadharan along with Dr Roshith and his colleagues are available at regular intervals to serve and help patients. Shankar Pharmacy medicines are also available through many medical retailors in India.


Management is an art or skill of controlling and coordinating the efforts of the people to accomplish goals and objectives by using available resources efficiently and effectively. Good managers are needed to keep their organization on track by ensuring that everything that’s being done is ethically geared towards providing what customers want. Shankar Pharmacy is gifted with a person who can be truly called as a manager with all its meaning to the fullest Mr.Binoy Sambasivan joined Shankar Pharmacy in the year 2001 and is still controlling and managing the organization with flawless dedication. His contribution towards the growth of Shankar Pharmacy is inestimable..

The backbone of every company is its workers without which the functioning of the company is out of the question. Mutual respect, professionalism and flexibility are the main characteristics of a good worker. And Shankar Pharmacy is fortunate to have a good team of workers with all these vital qualities.


The heart of business success lies in its marketing. Most aspects of business depend on successful marketing. Marketing is a process by which a product or service is introduced and promoted to potential customers. .Shankar Pharmacy has a harmonious chain of distributors all over India. And this consists of A &J Health care under the dynamic and efficient leadership of Mr Joshi C.R., Soorya Prabha Associates headed by Adv. Sajeev an intellectual by profession and his dedicated partner Mr Sethu Madhavan, Southern Marketing Associates lead by Mr Suresh K.R. a dedicated and hard working person.

Without them we cannot offer the best products or service in the industry, and none of our potential customers would know about it. They as a team played a vital role in the upbringing of Shankar Pharmacy and its products